From the Director's Desk
Looking back at the year just gone by...
Well, a lot of adages come to my mind: in the blink of an eye; whizzed past like an arrow from Robin Hood’s bow; in a flash...
Truly, the year that has gone by has been one to remember and recollect in many ways.
From the revision in the syllabus to exam pattern to teachers to events – the school has faced many changes.
Our students, being the wonderful children they are, have gracefully moved along with the flow to adapt themselves. The enthusiasm that they have shown for the many new activities and study patterns have reiterated the fact that children are resilient!
In the coming academic year, more changes are expected! A new STEAM lab with complete syllabus integrated to the existing one with added importance to robotics, DIY kits in physics, Art Curriculum tailored to suit the existing syllabus are being planned. A full - fledged Arts Studio is in the anvil.
A brand new lab giving focus to the LSRW skills in English is being set up. This will be open to classes 1 to 10. An exclusive room for dance with mirrored walls has been created.
A whole new play area with a multi court is getting ready.
Apart from all this, a few structural changes are being done to upgrade the school to newer dimensions.
Teachers have undergone training in academic and non - academic areas.
As a first, we have a student editorial board that has put in a tremendous amount of effort to build this E Magazine- Reminiscence
With the coming year we hope to fly higher.
My very best wishes to all of us for the forthcoming academic year.